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working groups



The Federation has a few working groups who organise the activities from the annual programme.

For information about the tasks and composition of each Working Group, scroll down.

April 17th & MAY 4th

The Working Group April 17 and May 4 has the task to organise each year, in the framework of the Apeldoorn liberation activities:
• The ignition of the Liberation Fire on April 17 (liberation of Apeldoorn)
• The 'Dodenherdenking' (Death Memorial) on May 4 in the Oranjepark  

The Working Group is composed as follows:

Hr. Frans de Heus, chairman
Hr. Rob van Brummen, secretary
Mevr. Gerdien Kroon, member
Hr. Wim van Beek, member
Hr. Hans Harbers, member
Hr. Tom van der Veen, member
Mevr. Corianne Scheltens, member

Apeldoornsche Bosch

The Commitee Apeldoornsche Bosch has merged into the Foundation Apeldoornsche Bosch.


The Working Group Heidehof has the task to organise the memorial meeting at the Heidehof cemetry.

The Working Group is composed as follows:

C. Munk (Coert), President
G. Hendriks (Gerard), Member

Remember & Commemorate

The main objective of the Working Group Remember & Commemorate is to do historical research on events and/or incidents in Apeldoorn during World War 2 including publication thereof.

The Working Group is composed as follows:

F.A. de Heus (Frans), President
A. van Barreveld (Arnoud), Researcher
J. Reitsma (Jelle), Researcher and webmaster
M. van Essen (Martijn), Researcher
P. Wildenberg (Patrick), Researcher

Remembrance day

Apeldoorn has the National Canadian Liberation monument, a bronze statue that represents a waving figure with a hat in each hand. This monument, a sign of joy and gratitude for the regained freedom, is a lasting tribute from the Netherlands to Canada.  At Dow’s Lake, Ottawa, stands a twin monument. Both statues, though parted by an ocean, symbolize the lasting bond of friendship that exists between the Netherlands and Canada. Both monuments have been revealed by H.R.H. Princess Margriet, in Apeldoorn on May 2nd 2000, in Ottawa on May 11th 2002.

The composition of the working group is:
G.E.A. Hendriks (Gerard)
A. Menninga (Anita)
M. van de Poel (Martin)
M. Strik-Van Tilburg (Marleen)


The Working Group Accommodation is responsible for the accommodation of the Canadian Veterans with hosting families in the Apeldoorn region and to accompany these Veterans to the various events that will take place. The Working Group also starts and maintains a central contact-, meeting- and coordination place, named Canadian Club, during the period May 2 – May 11, 2020.

The Working Group is composed as follows:

Mevr. I. Cornelissen (Iris) Chairman
Hr. H. van Elburg (Henk)
Hr. Chr. van de Kamp (Chris)
Hr. W. Krop (Willem)
Mevr. D. ten Voorde (Dinie)
Mevr. M. Wessels (Marieke)

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Apeldoorn in WO2

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Stichting Bevrijding '45

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11.30 uur
Herdenking bij het Keienmonument op 29 november
Koning Willem III kazerne en Keienmonument aan de Sportlaan
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13.00 uur
Herdenking bij De Dwangarbeider op 29 november
Monument ‘De Dwangarbeider‘ op het Marktplein in Apeldoorn
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